Request a review

If you do not consider this decision to be correct, you have the right to request a review within 21 days of receiving the decision.

You will need to tell us about the decision(s)  you want us to review, for example:

  • You are not eligible to join the housing register
  • You do not qualify to join the housing register because of unacceptable behaviour
  • You do not qualify to join the housing register because you have no housing need
  • You do not qualify to join the housing register because of excess income or assets
  • You do not qualify to join the housing register because you have no local connection to Birmingham
  • You do not qualify to join the housing register because of an inability to hold a legal tenancy
  • You do not qualify to join the housing register because you have refused offers of accommodation
  • You disagree with the priority you have been given
  • You have been awarded Band D after refusing reasonable offer of accommodation
  • Not everyone in your household has been included on your application

You might want to tell us why you think our decision is wrong; let us know if you think we have used the wrong information to make our decision; tell us about information that we should have considered but did not; tell us what you want us to do.

You can request a review by completing an online review form - Online review form

You will normally be notified of the outcome of your review by email within 56 days of receipt by the Council.